All the energy of a WWII fighter
plane, but in an 8 ounce can. 

Mustang Energy drink series

A Punch of Energy (Without the Annoyingly Loud Graphics)

Most energy drinks pack a punch both through a caffeine boost, and through obnoxious and loud packaging. For the packaging of Mustang, I wanted to find a way to present the energy housed in each can in a way that was sophisticated, sharp, and graphically bold.

How I Solved the "Annoying Can" Problem

Thinking about speed through the force of aircrafts, I was inspired by WWII fighter planes. P-51 Mustang jets, were a select build of fighter jets used by the US Military. These planes were of high performance, and highly esteemed in the war. 

Finding inspiration from P-51 Mustangs, along with a variety of other airplanes in the allied forces, I created a series of drinks for the Mustang brand. The outer design of the jets allowed me to keep the aluminum can exposed and explore a variety of simple, yet sophisticated graphic combinations.

Using Format